
Recipe ideas with seasonal vegetables

What better way to enjoy the taste and benefits of vegetables than to cook seasonal vegetables? Here are 5 delicious and easy-to-make recipes based on winter vegetables, accompanied by ingredients to add to your next home grocery delivery order !

Soup: a winter essential
To be enjoyed as a starter or main course, alone or with delicious little croutons, the soup is one of the essential dishes of the winter season. Fully customizable, it is simple to make and can contain all the ingredients of your choice: potato, leeks, carrots, squash, watercress, etc.

The ingredients you will need:

Vegetables of your choice,
A cube of stock,
A little bit of butter to brown the vegetables,
A tablespoon of crème.
For the recipe, it's very simple: you just need to prepare the vegetables and cook them in a pan with butter, in water with a stock cube or by steam depending on the vegetable and your tastes. Then, all you have to do is mix them and season them to your liking, then add a spoonful of crème.

recipe ideas

Sweet potato puree, sweet and comforting
For young and old alike, puree is one of those gourmet dishes that we love to eat. In winter, you can adapt this recipe to seasonal vegetables, and thus make it more balanced, by opting for sweet potato puree, or even carrot puree. Depending on your tastes, you can opt for a mash that is half potato, half vegetable, or made entirely of vegetables.

The ingredients you will need:

Potatoes, sweet potatoes and/or carrots,
Some water,
A tablespoon of crème

As for the recipe, nothing too complicated here either, especially if you are used to making mashed potatoes, since the process is the same. So all you have to do is peel and cut the potatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots and cook them in water. Then, add a little milk and mix everything before seasoning the puree to your taste.

Stuffed butternut, indulgent and delicious

Butternut is one of the vegetables often left aside in winter because it is little known, and yet it is very good and quite inexpensive. To best appreciate it, we advise you to cook it stuffed, by first roasting the squash cut in half, then removing the flesh and mixing it with the ingredients of your choice, before filling it again and put it in the oven for a few minutes. You can also mix the flesh with liquid cream or milk to make a sauce.

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